19th December 2016. Educative Geo-tour in coordination with IES Institute Bahía Marbella at Los Reales site. Estepona village
The last Monday 19th December, the geological classroom museum (Málaga city) in coordination with IES Institute Bahía Marbella, carried out an amazing excursion at los Reales site in Estepona village whose main purpose was to encourage students to understand the geological values of our natural resources. We focused our excellence to highlight the schoolboys and schoolgirls the importance and meaning to science of peridotites rocks, cropping out in Malaga province with an entire surface larger than 400km2.
Peridotites at Sierra Bermeja natural site, involve an outstanding geological park which mention has been confirmed by international geological community. Apart from the petrological meaning of such rocks derived from upper mantle towards the earth crust, Sierra Bermeja massif, where included Los Reales site, understand a remarkable natural value related to flora and fauna resources.
We also noted that Malaga province attach many others peridotites massifs as Mijas, Alpujata, Sierra de Aguas, Jarales and la Robla, in conjunction with the bigger one of Sierra Bermeja.
Peridotites are plutonic rocks coming form the upper mantle which were emplaced at the crust by violent geological scenario in a compressional settings. That due to plate boundaries proximity between euroasian and african plates collision.
We noted to schoolchildren its importance as source of metals as iron, copper, chromium-nickel, aluminium, magnesium ores; and industry minerals as talc, serpentine, asbest, vermiculite mica, feldspars, and graphite, in conjuction with tiny amounts of platinum, rare earth and gold, as well.
Schoolchildrens and professors resulted enthusiastic and excited along geological parades and explanations, where the knowledge of geology was handly and helpful. We also remarked the importance of our natural sites, in such incredible scenario at Los Reales peak, plenty of colourful pinsapos.
At the end of the day, targets and goals were achieved! , scholars now understand the meaning of geology, what it means peridotites composed of olivine, serpentine, pyroxenes and precious metals, close to home, in such remarkable place and natural scenario..