6th October 2016. Minerals and Treasures of the Earth geological classroom and exhibition empowers the principles and efforts of the Spanish Society for the protection of mining-geological national heritage
The past site visit to the Iron mine El Peñoncillo (Marbella) as a part of our local mining heritage, established the message that we are losing our history and geological heritage. The mine which was the reason of the first high smelting furnace in Spain during XIX century (1826) was mined by famous business man Manuel Agustin Heredia as a consequence of its rich ore named “magnetite”.
Minerales and Treasures of the Earth geological classroom and exhibition in Málaga is delighted to support the principle of the Spanish Society as a defence of our losing geological heritage.
- El Peñoncillo mine. Current dumping place.
- Message and principles of SEDPGYM in Spain